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According to the Law on Gas Market (Official Gazette Nos. 28/13, 14/14, 16/17) gas market operator shall implement the principle of financial neutrality, and publish the relevant data relating to billings and fees in accordance with the Rules on the organization of the gas market (HROTE, 3/2017 - hereinafter: Rules).
Neutrality is the principle that the operator of the gas market should be neither gain nor a loss after completion of billing related to the balancing of the transmission system. The market operator for each billing period determines the sum of all cash amounts from:
- the fee for daily deviation by the balance group (according to Article 15 of the Rules),
- the trading on the trading platform relating to balancing activities undertaken by the transport system operator (in accordance with Article 17 of the Rules) and
- activated balancing energy used for the balancing service (in accordance with Article 18 of the Rules).
The gas market operator for each billing period determines the final gain or loss on your business account and a fee is charged for the neutrality of the balance group representative (in accordance with Article 19 of the Rules).
The gas market operator publishes aggregated data of all the calculation of chapter VI, VII and VIII of the Rules by the 25th day of the month for the previous month on the official website.

Aggregated data accounts for all the balance groups.

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