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A trader is an energy entity which purchases and sells electricity having obtained the appropriate license for carrying out the energy activity.

A trader  may buy or sell the electricity to producer, supplier, another  trader, power exchange, Croatian Transmission System Operator  in order to provide ancillary services, providing balancing services, compensation plan exchanges and to cover losses in the transmission network, HEP Distribution System Operator in order to provide ancillary services and to cover losses in the distribution network or in a way that is imported or exported over Croatian borders.
In order to participate in the electricity market a potential trader shall undertake the following:
  • obtaining appropriate energy activity license issued by Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency,
  • obtaining EIC code from Issuing Office authorized by ENTSO-E (EIC),
  • in case a potential trader wants to participate as:
    • Balance group manager: sign a Balance Responsibility Agreement with CTSO,
    • Member of existing balance group: sign a Membership Agreement with manager of existing balance group, 
  • submitting a completed Request for signing of an Agreement with HROTE (Request),
  • entering into Electricity Market Participation Agreement with HROTE (Agreement),
  • in case of electricity import or export:
    • applying to CTSO for participation in cross border transmission capacities allocation,
participation in allocation of cross border transmission capacities (organized and held by CTSO, JAO or SEE CAO).

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